E6 Large Lab
Photo: © Zhao Zhengxiong (Fujifilm X-Photographer)
FUJIFILM offers an interesting range of Pro6 film processing chemicals designed for processing all types of color positive films compatible with the process E-6 / CR-56. FUJIFILM Hunt chemicals are designed to run at stable processing conditions and produce optimum quality in all types of automatic processing equipment.
The product offering for E-6 / CR-56 Large Lab consists of the complete range of processing chemicals needed for a qualitative processing under today’s very often stringent processing conditions.
Pack sizes are available in 20L cube concentrate (cube for general use and in-line replenishment system) as well as in large drums of 60L concentrate for the developers.
Pack sizes are made available in a 20L size (bottle) as well as 20L cube concentrate (cube for general use and in-line replenishment system).
For detailed product info please contact:
sts_ffbe@fujifilm.com T +32 3 760 02 73