C41 Fujifilm Minilab

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FUJIFILM offers a unique brand of CN16 film processing chemicals designed for the FUJIFILM range of Minilabs.

FUJIFILM’s minilab film processors in combination with original FUJIFILM CN16 chemicals have proven to give excellent and stable processing performance resulting in good print quality. Even today, when processed films are digitally scanned and digitally exposed onto colour paper, it is still of vital importance to maintain stable processing and preventing process variations to keep shadow details and skin tones well in control.

Even today, the very first FUJIFILM minilab film processors running on CN16Q chemicals are still around as well as those running on CN16L chemistry. Both chemistries are still available as well as the low and high replenishment rate cartridge chemistry, CN16S and CN16SER , running into the very last generation of FUJIFILM minilab film processors. This cartridge chemical is well-known for its ease of use and virtually fool-proof concept.

For detailed product info please contact:
sts_ffbe@fujifilm.com T +32 3 760 02 73